We are Benchmarking the Porsche Tycan at FEV
We are Benchmarking the Porsche Tycan at FEV
We are Benchmarking the Porsche Tycan at FEV
We are Benchmarking the Porsche Tycan at FEV


Beyond Benchmarking

We not only show you how it looks,
we explain why!

Innovative technologies are transforming mobility solutions around the world. As the market for legacy products declines, emerging and innovative technologies are creating new business opportunities. We help our customers understand new technologies, identify business opportunities, and develop innovative technical solutions. Our global benchmark centers provide access to the latest technologies, showcased on original hardware. Seeing, touching and discussing existing solutions inspires ideas for tomorrow’s innovations. Take advantage of our comprehensive benchmarking results and unlock new business opportunities!

FEV has more than 30 years of experience in deep technical benchmarking. With four benchmark centers worldwide, more than twelve technical centers and a wide range of test facilities, FEV performs comprehensive benchmarking analysis programs.

Our detailed teardown and design benchmarking studies provide complete transparency into the latest vehicle architectures, product designs, features and technical characteristics. Our Benchmarking Academy provides our clients with a unique atmosphere to discuss the latest hardware, generate new design ideas and identify cost reduction measures. Our cost engineers evaluate and compare product costs during their cost benchmarking studies and identify best cost solutions. All of our valuable benchmarking data is accessible and analyzable in our professional benchmarking database solution called “carat”.
We work with clients in a variety of industries through a structured “innovation lab” process to develop new product opportunities and resulting business ideas to enter untapped markets, diversify product portfolios, and drive growth.

Worldwide Benchmarking Centers
Worldwide Benchmarking Centers
Worldwide Benchmarking Centers
Worldwide Benchmarking Centers

Four key benchmarking services


Performance benchmarking

FEV’s engineering experts conduct various vehicle performance tests using comprehensive sensor instrumentation. Customers receive a detailed report containing our analysis and the original measurement data on topics such as energy consumption, control strategy, powertrain efficiency, charging performance, thermal management, noise vibration harshness (NVH) analysis, ADAS/AD functions, and vehicle dynamics. This benchmarking data provides valuable input for simulation tools and assists in the development of next-generation solutions. More information




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Icon car parts

Design benchmarking

For further in-depth analysis, vehicles undergo disassembly, focusing on major cost-driving systems such as HV batteries, fuel cell systems, electric drive units, and power electronics. All parts are documented with professional pictures and listed in a comprehensive bill of materials (BOM), that includes key part data. Exploded views clearly illustrate the structure of the components.

Our engineering experts provide detailed technical assessment from system to component level. System architecture, layouts, key design criteria, and interesting KPIs are presented in our reports and database. Additional in-depth analyses are performed upon customer request.



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Icon Money

Cost benchmarking

The findings from the technical assessment of all components form the basis for our cost engineering experts to perform bottom-up should cost calculations. A set of boundary conditions such as production location, production volumes and supply chain assumptions are defined as the basis for the cost calculation. Leveraging a strong background in manufacturing processes, our costing experts assess material costs, manufacturing and assembly costs and evaluate relevant overhead costs. All component cost information is listed in a costed BOM and summarized in a system cost breakdown. This cost study enhances overall cost transparency, identifies cost-driving components, and facilitates cost comparisons between different vehicles and design solutions.


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Benchmarking Academy & Innovation Lab

Within our Benchmarking Academy, we showcase components from our teardown studies in our parts exhibit and conduct valuable workshops with customers and FEV experts. Using original hardware, we explain our benchmarking results and the latest technologies in detail, generating new design and cost reduction ideas.

At the FEV Innovation Lab, we aim to push the boundaries of product and service innovation by fostering a culture of ideation, co-creation, and experimentation using a human-centered, creative and joyful design process of new product development to solve complex problems. Our goal is to empower our clients with the right tools and techniques to increase their creative confidence and bring valuable innovations to market.

Available benchmarking programs

FEV has benchmarked a large number of interesting vehicles. These include multiple propulsion types such as battery electric vehicles (BEV), hybrid vehicles (HEV, PHEV, REEV), and fuel cell vehicles (FCEV). Our analysis covers several vehicle categories: passenger cars, light commercial vehicles and medium- to heavy duty commercial vehicles, as well as off-highway vehicles and applications.

Check out our FEV web shop

And get an overview of available benchmarking studies and benchmarking modules:


FEV benchmarking partnership and database “carat”

FEV has developed a professional benchmarking database solution called “carat”. Carat is cloud-based and globally accessible through your web browser. Through carat ,you have direct access to our valuable benchmarking gems!

To gain access to carat, clients enter into a benchmarking partnership with FEV. The beauty of carat lies in its customization options; clients can build their own database by adding selected benchmarking modules according to their areas of interest. Access to benchmark data is maintained as long as they remain a benchmarking partner.

In carat, customers have access to a large number of vehicle profiles and can view the vehicle architecture and key drivetrain components with initial specifications. The detailed benchmarking data for the selected and procured modules of our analyzed vehicles are available for deep dive analysis. In carat, clients see complete photo documentation, structured bill of materials with key component data, supplier information, and our deep engineering assessment results on layouts and design characteristics. With one or two clicks, images and KPIs can be analyzed and compared in specific views and graphs. FEV’s renowned scatter bands are also available allowing for competitive analysis, such as comparing the performance of HV batteries or electric drive units.

FEV Benchmarking Partnerships
FEV Benchmarking Partnerships
Capabilities - Benchmarking - Benchmarking partnerships
Capabilities - Benchmarking - Benchmarking partnerships
Benchmarking Database Carat
Benchmarking Database Carat
Capabilities - Benchmarking - Carat database
Capabilities - Benchmarking - Carat database

Our carat portfolio

  • >700 Level-0 vehicle profiles
  • FEV deep technical benchmark data for >30 vehicles (+5 p.a.)
  • Full benchmarking results online available:
    – Detailed pictures
    – BOM & tree structure
    – Weights, dimensions, materials, joining technics, …
    – Supplier information
    – Illustrations on architecture and layout sketches
    – Design features & details
  • Smart analysis functions:
    – Easy parts and KPI comparison
    – FEV scatter-band generator
    – Data analysis in different chart types
  • Additional features:
    – Tech-nuggets
    – News & benchmarking roadmap

Case studies

Exemplary benchmarking studies

Technology is complex, multi-dimensional, and multi-faceted. It has become increasingly difficult (if not impossible) to view most components as single entities performing isolated functions. Many moderate- to high-impact components have multiple functions, and only by understanding the complete system can reliable comparisons be made and best practices and recommendations be established. At FEV, we decompose technology to truly understand its advantages and disadvantages. We address key questions to understand the what, the how and the why. “We not only show you how it looks, we explain why!”

We assisted our client, a European supplier primarily focused on manufacturing ICE-related components, in the evaluation of new product ideas in the field of battery technology. The objective of the benchmark conducted by FEV Consulting was to compare different concepts for underride protection plates, ranging from aluminum sheet metal up to fiber composite solutions.

For an Asian passenger car OEM, FEV Consulting investigated how a competitor has integrated a V2L function into the vehicle. In addition to the question of which components contribute to the function at the vehicle level, we went deep into the technology to work out functionalities within the on-board charger down to the PCBA level.

Based on benchmark hardware of various powertrain and vehicle concepts on display, we spent several days brainstorming with our customer, a medium-sized automotive supplier, about which potential products would fit into their portfolio. Together, we created a longlist of over 50 ideas and evaluated and prioritized them based on criteria such as market attractiveness and investment requirements.

The compressor is an essential component in the air path of the fuel cell system and is responsible for the performance of the system. We analyzed a competitive compressor for our customer (European Tier 1 supplier) to make the cost structure transparent and compare it with an air bearing solution.


Business Strategies around the globe in mobility
Business Strategies around the globe in mobility

Capabilities: Business Strategies


FEV Consulting Pfeil in Tealfarben
FEV Consulting Pfeil in Tealfarben
FEV Consulting Pfeil in Tealfarben
FEV Consulting Pfeil in Tealfarben

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